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5 Minutes with Kareem Green, Winner of 2009 Bay Area Black Comedy Competition & Festival

Kareem GreenKareem Green of Brooklyn, NY recently beat out over sixty comedians in three competitive rounds for the coveted honor as winner of the 2009 Bay Area Black Comedy Competition & Festival. Green is newest member of an elite group of winners that include Jamie Foxx, D.L. Hughley, Mark Curry and Don “D.C.” Curry. STAGE TIME talked to the comedian about his victory and newfound success.

How does it feel to join past winners Jamie Foxx and D.L. Hughley and receive such a prestigious honor?

It feels great to be a part of something the funniest comics have done.

It was reported that there was some controversy over your win.

Not me because the person who the controversy was over didn’t come in as first runner up, but he was funny though. It was more intense because it was all or nothing. I had a great time with lots of laughter.

What do you think were your greatest strengths onstage? Were you nervous at any point during the competition?

My strengths were my energy and ability to connect to the crowd. I was nervous before I got on stage, but after my first laugh I was fine.

What comedians would you say that performed well during the competition? Any contestants whose comedy you enjoyed?

Mike E. Winfield (first runner-up), Cory Fernandez, Marcus Combs, and Damon Rozier (second runner-up).

What immediate changes have you noticed after winning the competition? Are you receiving more opportunities in paid work and TV gigs?

I’ve gotten a weekend at Tommy T’s in Oakland CA. I’ll be opening up for Bill Bellamy at the New Brunswick Theater. Live at Gotham and Martin Lawrence’s 1st Amendment Stand Up are in the works.

What would you like to achieve next?

Commercials and a HBO half-hour special

What advice can you offer to comics who would like to participate in a comedy competition?

Be original. Work on your craft and go hard, or you’ll go home.

– Tasha Harris
